Three Rental Levels to Fit Your Needs
The rental fees for part time and full time depend on a few variables. What and how often you plan on producing, what equipment you will use, what equipment you bring in, how many employees you have, how much freezer/cooler space you will need, and a few other things. All utilities are included.

The Full Time tenant rental level comes with 24 hour a day key access, a dedicated work station, dry storage, cooler and freezer storage. Some Full Time tenants bring in their own industry specific equipment to aid their production.
Full Time tenants predominantly include: large catering companies, food trucks, meal delivery companies, baking companies, and other food manufacturing companies.

The Part Time tenant rental level is a way to get started in the food industry. Part Time includes scheduled use of the kitchen during business hours (8am-5pm), no over night storage, no bringing in of outside equipment, and no cooler/freezer storage.
Part Time tenants predominantly include: small bakeries, farmers market food companies, and online food sales.

The Hourly tenant rental level is pay by the hour and has a 4 hour minimum. Hourly rental
includes scheduled use of the kitchen during business hours (8am-5pm), no over night storage, no bringing in of outside equipment, and no cooler/freezer storage. You come in, make your product and take it with you.
Hourly tenants predominantly include: One time use catering jobs, large event prep, large holiday bakes, and cooking classes.